Weekend Getaway 1: South West WA - Gnomesville
Saturday - Monday: Harvey... Gnomesville... Donnybrook... Busselton Jetty... Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse... Ngilgi Cave
Sat 1 Mar 2014 - Sat 1 Mar 2014
Wkend Getaway 1 - South West WA (Mar 2013)
on Goannaray's travel map.
The information brochure for Ferguson Valley that we picked up at the Harvey Information Centre, turned out to be very helpful. Showing a more detailed map of the area, which allowed us to get off the main roads, and see more of the picturesque hills and valleys of the area. It reminded me very much of where I spent much of my childhood in Toodyay.
Gnomesville itself was amazing! Showcasing some rather creative ideas from numerous different people and groups. I can't think of anywhere else that has such a showcase of gnomes. Definitely worth taking the detour to have a quick look. Which then, depending on your appreciation of gnomes... may turn into a bit more than 'just a quick look'!! Who knows, you may even want to add to the population!
Posted by Goannaray 15:16 Archived in Australia Tagged western_australia gnomes toddlers gnomesville weekend_toddler_adventures_wa south_west_wa wkend_adventures_swregion collie_area other_man_made_things Comments (0)